
Steinbeis M&A Partners GmbH
Main Tower
Neue Mainzer Straße 52-58
60311 Frankfurt Main

Tel.: +49 69 1707 5761 0

Managing directors: Steffen Lohrer, Martin G. Schmitt

Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 119864
VAT ID: DE264378550

Trade licence pursuant to Section 34c Trade Code (GewO) issued by Mannheim City Council, Security and Public Order Dept. K7, 68159 Mannheim 

Steinbeis Consulting Mergers & Acquisitions GmbH (SCMA) makes its website available for use subject to the following conditions.


1. In accordance with Section 7 paragraph 1 German Telemedia Act, SCMA is the service provider and is responsible for its own content in line with the general provisions. All liability is declined for material or general damages caused by the use of the contents unless they result from intent or gross negligence.

2. If texts have been compiled by third parties, the relevant author is mentioned by name. In these cases the author of the document or their client is responsible for the contents.

3. Pursuant to Section 7 paragraph 2 Digital Services Act, SCMA is not obliged to monitor any third-party information it conveys or stores or to look for circumstances indicating illegal activity.

4. SCMA expressly does not appropriate the contents of third-party websites made available within its own offering by means of hyperlinks and therefore cannot guarantee that they are correct, complete and available. SU has no influence on the present and future design and contents of the linked pages.


SCMA’s website including all its component parts such as text and images are subject to copyright. Any use outside the narrow definitions of the German Copyright Act is not permitted. The copying of information or data, in particular the use of texts, extracts or picture material requires the prior written approval of SCMA. The contents of the website may not be conveyed to third parties against payment.

Registration of page views

Every access to our server is registered. The date, IP address of the computer and document viewed are stored. These data may be analysed for statistical purposes and published anonymously. By using our server you declare your agreement with this arrangement. If you do not agree with this practice you are at liberty not to make use of our internet offering.

Statutory notes

Thank you for your visit to our website and your interest in our products and services. All personal data gathered on our website are stored, processed and conveyed to affiliated companies as required exclusively for your individual advice and for the purposes of sending information. SCMA guarantees that your data will be treated confidentially in accordance with applicable data-protection regulations.

We cannot guarantee the security of data sent to us via internet. The sensible processing and execution of certain requests requires the use of cookies. This is the only way to ensure that the pages visited can be retrieved using the browser’s back button. 

On leaving the website these cookies are automatically deleted from the internet user’s computer. 

Responsible for contents:

Steffen Lohrer

Image licenses

Image licenses from

  • shutterstock_1913036797.jpg

Layout, implementation, programming

Dots United
Agency for digital media
Tel.: +49 621 – 42 368 86

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