The secret of success is to understand the other person's point of view. - Henry Ford
Michael Pels Leusden
Michael Pels Leusden is a partner at Steinbeis M&A Partners GmbH.
Previously Michael Pels Leusden was:
Director M&A of Adcuram Group AG, a renowned private equity house focused on medium-sized companies
Head of M&A of an internationally active, family-run group with several different business units and approx. 8,000 employees
Project manager of one of the leading German management consultancies for the purchase and sale of medium-sized companies
Investment manager and project manager for company sales of former GDR companies at the Treuhandanstalt as well as the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (Federal Agency for Special Tasks Arising from Unification)
He holds a degree in business administration and studied at the Technical University of Berlin and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver-Canada.
Industry focus
+49 177 572 8860